Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Test for film

I like to test out shot with my digital camera before I commit to the film stuff. it's probably frowned upon but it totally helps me get a correct exposure because I don't have a handheld light meter. I took this today and did a bit of editing for fun. part of that series i was tellin you's alls abouts.

Zombie Allegiance DVD package

My friend Tony Nunes directed a movie entitled "Zombie Allegiance" and he was kind enough to think of me for the design for it, so we collaborated and this is what we got. I'm super stoked about it. check out the facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/zombieallegiance and contact solipsistmedia@yahoo.com to preorder a copy!

Monday, November 29, 2010

the past few weeks are a blur

this big city really gets you lost sometimes, but you should always have a goal even if it's just for the day. I'm currently working on a series that i can't wait to share with everyone entitled, "I'm not in love with you." I'm exploring the emotion of individuals' disconnection with reality and the silent depression they suffer when their hearts get broken. Kinda emo but that's the very reason I decided to be an artist. so suck it. oh my bad. anyways, 
--that's for a light test. I process the film tomorrow so I'm stoked to see how they come out. My sister was the model! I'll scan them and post as soon as the series is a whole. which won't be for a few weeks. sawwy chawee. But here's some other light test pieces I have done these past few weeks with the help of my friend Kat Bayard, whom currently is believed to be a badass photographer.

 annnnd this is a photo i took some liberties with and made another faux poster with her nickname, 


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Some more b/w's

A few more of my scanned prints. Oh, i realize that on that last post that font should be "futura", not "future" bad spellcheck, that's a no!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Promo Ad

Here's some of the black and white photos I used for a design ad for one of my classes. I wanted a retro film look to the layout because I have been watching too many noir films. Hence, the rounded edges. Plus 'future' is one of my favorite fonts to make designs have a vintage movie poster look.

Black and White Photos

Dear World,
 So here goes the world of blogging... again. I wanted to make a new and improved blog site for all of my new work I've been doing in school. For those of you who don't know, I'm a freshmen at the School of Visual Arts. I also have a passion for graphic design as well, so you'll see a bunch of my photos incorporated into that as well. Enjoy!