Thursday, December 16, 2010

final propaganda/ad posters

Tweaked these today... well, all day actually. I think I just need to say they're done so I stop fiddling. Design work is so nitpicky that I forget sometimes to take a break and clear my head.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

propaganda poster

Soooo for one of my finals I had to come up with an project that was revolving around societies mass consumption, corporate take-over, blah blah blah. The original idea was to "invent" a solution/liquid (thick as dish soap) that could be drank, used to wash with, clean the house... basically the best thing ever. A girl in my class asked "what are the side-effects of the product though?" That stumped me for a while because there had to be a catch. How could it be so good? Then I thought about a certain 1973 Heston film...

Monday, December 6, 2010

one... more... time!

I did one more for my series today. It's coming along alright. I processed some film today to make the black white prints tomorrow. Pretty excited! I would love to do all of these again with my friends from rhode island, cause having Dan pose was awesome.

Friday, December 3, 2010

part of 'heart break' series...

I took this earlier with my buddy Daniel Pendola who's visiting from RI.. Again, these color ones are the light test shots for the series of film stuff I'm doing about heart break. I don't know what the official title is yet or anything, but I'm going to have 7 in the series.. just cause I like that number.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


okay, so tomorrow I'm reeeeally headed to the darkroom to print all of my film stuff but I have this light test I wanted to share. It'll be interesting to compare all of these to my finished ones cause they're all black and whites. might I add, I don't like always being the subject- its just easier sometimes, and no one's around queens that would not think I'm crazy for asking them to model for a shoot in my own apartment that's depicting loneliness from desertion. maybe one day haha.